I want to tell you a little bit about this wonderful new treatment which is about to be on offer exclusively to Neal’s Yard, and yes I will be offering it.
So as well as being informative this post will be a little bit self promotional.
I already offer a natural facelift massage which is super nurturing and rejuvenating, you can read more about that here.
So how is the Nea’s Yard Francinscense Facial rejuvenation massage different? And why am I really excited about it?
Well, let me tell you…
This treatment uses specially designed techniques to acheive facial rejuvenation it is an extremely effective and natural way to enhance the complexion, release constrictions within the facial muscles and create a healthy glow.
The techniques encourage the skin to regain a natural radiance as it reduces expression lines and facial contours are tightened leaving the skin feeling smoother, softer and radiant.
Myofascial release techniques are used as well as lymphatic drainage techniques to reduce puffiness around the eyes.
*Improves circulation to facial muscles and neck.
*Release tension in areas such as the jaw, around the eyes and the forehead.
*Softens and inproves the appearance of fine lines.
*Facilitates a deep sense of relaxation.

What you need to know about Francinscense…
The esential oil is distilled from the resin which comes from a Boswellia sacra tree which are native to Oman, Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia.
These trees are considered sacred and the sap (resin) is considered to have many medicinal properties. For example:
Helps Reduce Stress Reactions and Negative Emotions. …
Helps Boost Immune System Function and Prevents Illness. …
May Help Fight Cancer or Deal with Chemotherapy Side Effects. …
Astringent and Can Kill Harmful Germs and Bacteria. …
Heals Skin and Prevents Signs of Aging. …
Improves Memory.
Come and enjoy one of these wonderful treatments at Neal’s Yard Borough Market.
Send me an email: awaytolivewell@gmail.com
Or book through Neal’s Yard
I look forward to treating you.
Feel at ease
Ana Maria